Sabrina Slater

Reverend Sabrina Slater is pastor of Christ the King Fellowship, a PC (USA) congregation in Spencer, New York.  Slater is a graduate of Lehigh University(BA), Wagner College (MA), and Princeton Theological Seminary (MDiv 15).  Slater desires to love well, she prays to have eyes that see how God sees, ears that hear what God hears, and a heart that breaks where God’s heart breaks so that she might be able to use what God has given her to love in such a way as to heal the deep wounds in the world. 

Prior to being called to serve as a preacher and pastor, Slater enjoyed a career in higher education where she had the opportunity to build relationships and encourage students and colleagues alike in the intersections of faith, life, career and education. 

Slater was the 2015 Graduate Study Parish Pulpit Fellowship recipient from Princeton Theological Seminary which allowed her to experience pilgrimages including a 30-day Ignatian silent retreat, the walk of Saint James (Camino de Santiago), and a foot washing in Fiji. Slater is also a 2017 graduate of the Bossey Ecumenical Institute where she had the opportunity to represent the Presbyterian Church (USA) internationally, living and studying in Switzerland with Christians from 20 different countries. 

Slater serves nationally as a member of the Presbyterian Church (USA) 2020 Vision Team, as well as on the 2018 Presbyterian Women Churchwide Gathering planning team. Internationally, Slater served as a 2017 World Communion of Reformed Churches Council Delegate. 

Rev. Sabrina Slater often remembers Isaiah 43:18-19, “Forget the former things…see I am doing a new thing!” and is always interested in seeing what God is doing in our lives.  

This is my Story
2023 Distinguished Alumni Awardee
Monday, May 15, 3:15 p.m.
Stuart Hall 6